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Been a long time comin’, but I’m here now…

February 15, 2013

As per the title, it has been a rather transcendentally and inherently lengthy period since I last graced this written medium with my blessed keystrokes, however nonetheless I am not back.

There’s not too much to say in terms of 2843’s progress over this time, other than the fact that I have had many an enjoyable evening chugging along through town, enjoying the melodious hum of her planetary gears, or should I say, hub reduction. There have been many great bus memories and conversely, just as many not so fond bus memories, involving poor old 2843 refusing to do certain things that a bus should normally do when asked.

Nonetheless, the precious Mercedes O305 MKIV that is 2843, is currently still enjoying a blissful existence, in the hands of a very attentive and incessantly caring owner, who is doing his best to keep her in full flight as best as he possibly can!

I would show you some photos, however the camera albeit camera phone I took them on has decided to monumentally crap itself for all eternity and thus I have nothing new to show.

But before you all log off in a huff and sigh at how your life is now unfulfilled, as you weren’t able to keep abreast visually of my wonderful road steed’s progress, hold your fire and await the reprieve I am about to grant you all kindly.

Most thankfully, I have some footage to provide your visual appetite, that was graciously captured in the dying months of the last year that was 2012, by a source other than myself.

So without further ado, I shall delay your enjoyment no longer and allow you to behold the tantalisingly fastidious images you shall see to be forthcoming…



Unfortunately though folks, these two photos are all I can provide you for now. But fear not, for soon I shall have a smart-phone once again, which I shall endeavour to cherish in a substantially more respectful and anticipatedly less abusive manner, which will allow me to capture many more images of the trusty steed that is 2843, in its finest glory.

So for now, I must bid you all adieu, however this is not the last hurrah for the 2843 bus blog. I shall be back for another installment, at a time yet to be determined, with more photos and tales for your enjoyment.

Happy bussing y’all!


2843 Driver.

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